Like many of us, you run to Indeed or Reed if you’re looking for a new job. These websites are supposedly the best places to go and many people will find what they’re looking for. However, you should never fully rely on job websites as they don’t show every job opportunity out there. Some are hiding behind the scenes, and with a little bit of digging you can uncover them. 

If you’re waiting for your next big career opportunity, here’s how you find unknown job prospects away from traditional job listing sites: 

Look At Business Websites

Some companies choose to hire alone rather than advertise their jobs on other websites. If you go directly to their business site, you may be able to find a careers page. Pick an industry or type of job that appeals to you the most and go searching for companies in this field. For instance, if you’d love a job related to interior design or working with houses, you can view jobs here for possible opportunities. Those of you who may love a career in marketing could find marketing agencies and click on their websites. Loads of marketing companies will list jobs on their site and they’re easy to apply for. 

Use this idea across any industry depending on your preferences – find websites, see if they have career pages and then apply for the jobs if you like what you see.

Approach Companies on Social Media

It’s not against the rules to approach companies on social media and ask about any job opportunities. You may get lucky – especially if you contact smaller businesses. A small company is likely to run its social media accounts rather than outsource, so there’s a strong chance you could interact with the business owners themselves. 

Write a professional message stating your love of their company and that you were wondering if they had any jobs up for grabs. Outline some of your key strengths/experience and wait for an answer. What’s the worst that can happen? They don’t reply or they reply and say that they’re not hiring. You’re in the same place as you were before – but the other possibility is that they set you up with an interview!

Attend A Job Fair

Lots of job seekers forget that job fairs exist. Think of these as networking events for people looking for work. Your best bet is to search for job fairs near you and you’ll be surprised how many events are held throughout the year. 

Go to these fairs and you’ll be amongst lots of potential employers. This includes local and nationwide companies that might offer roles or possibilities you can’t find online. Look around, speak to as many people as possible and hand out your CV. If you cast your net wide enough, you’re bound to catch something. 

The moral of the story is to avoid being disheartened when your dream job doesn’t appear on job websites. You can find work in a multitude of ways and uncover new opportunities that would otherwise remain hidden forever!

Header Image Credit: Anna Tarazevich/ Pexels

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