As you grew up, you tried getting into the world of sales but found most jobs involved sitting in a call centre pestering prospects all day. It wasn’t very gratifying – but what if you discovered three wonderful careers for your inner salesperson? They all tickle your excitement for sales without the mundane nature of a call centre job. Check them out below to learn more! 

Have you always had an eye for sales? When you were in school, you were the child who sold sweets on the playground or ran the tuck shop. It’s always been in your blood to chat with people and try to sell them things. Some people hate this, but you love it! 

Ildar Garifullin/ Unsplash

Car Sales Executive

If your career in sales feels stagnant, why don’t you branch out into the world of car sales? Instead of being in a big office building all day, you’re working at a dealership surrounded by cars. The best jobs involve getting people to buy luxury vehicles, so you’re constantly seeing Ferraris, Lamborghinis and other awesome cars every day. 

It’s way more rewarding than typical sales jobs as you can earn a lot of money, but you also deal with people who want to be there. There’s no cold calling involved – though you may have to chase up leads – and it’s super fun explaining the different features of all the cool cars. 

Maria Ziegler/ Unsplash

Estate Agent

From selling cars to selling houses – become an estate agent and you’ll be one of the most illustrious salespeople out there. Again, you’re dealing with prospects who actively want to buy what you’re selling. This makes the job feel like less of a burden, allowing you to fully dive into your sales expertise. 

There’s something enjoyable about being an estate agent as well; you get to see loads of nice houses, arrange rooms for photos, take clients on guided tours and so on. It’s a very active job and you play a big part in someone’s substantial life decision. In many ways, it makes your work feel incredibly important as you help people find their forever homes.

Maddi Bazzocco/ Unsplash


Yes, being an influencer is an option for people with an eye for sales. Most influencers don’t realise this, but they’re basically modern-day salespeople. You’ll create content and craft a brand that builds trust with an audience. People see you as a source of knowledge, which you then use to help sell either your own or other people’s products/services. 

It’s a gratifying job as you can be your own salesperson in some respects. Create merch or start a side hustle and use your influence to sell things to your audience. You’re no longer selling on behalf of someone else – and that’s frighteningly rewarding. 

The common threat between these three careers is that sales doesn’t have to be boring. Too many people grow up loving the idea of selling things, only to end up in a dead-end call centre job. You will find better jobs out there that help your inner salesperson thrive!

Header Image Credit: Gustavo Fring/ Pexels

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